During the credits, this song plays. we follow the camera through a wide shot of a cityscape, slowly creeping towards a block of apartments. It continues through the window of a specific apartment to a bedroom. Savannah Abbott (Camille Kostek) wakes up beside her fiancee (Nicholas Hoult) (you know this because she's wearing a fancy-ring). She sneaks out and puts the ring down on the bedside table. She walks into the bathroom and immediately the scene cuts to her walking out in some badass outfit. Her fiancee is still asleep as she leaves the house during the first chorus. She's driving off listening to the song and her fiancee is slowly waking up, realizing she's gone.

Musical Number 1: As the music continues, it turns into Hoult singing the song, and its lyrics. You realize that he's remembering this. It's from the past and all he knows how to do is remember the end of his fiancee's life. Whenever the chorus sets in for If Tomorrow Never Comes, you can hear the shaking in his voice. He's standing there in the middle of the screen watching her get ready around him, as if he's not there. He turns around and sees himself still in bed as she leaves. In the scene below, it's still him singing to the music but he disappears from the room so you can see:

Johnny Reeves (Keanu Reeves) shooting her a lot in a warehouse. Abbott is flying backwards in slow motion as the fiancee comes in. He had been secretly following her, but seeing her get shot, he screams out for her (still in slow motion) and she looks over at him. She lands in a heap on the ground and they have a moment, without dialog, as the song fades into the background. The next scene fades in on the speaker in the ceiling of a room. You can still hear "If Tomorrow Never Comes" ending on the speaker. Panning down to:

Jakey Bates (Jason Bateman) sitting in an office reading a Time Magazine dated January 14, 2002. Clearly uncomfortable, he’s waiting patiently. As the camera zooms out it’s clear that he’s in an Auto shop. HAMMERSTEIN AUTO appears in the background and the owner (Hammerstein (Rudd) tells Jakey, “Well, we had to replace a tire because Garrabond (Bryce Dallas Howard) over there is new and doesn’t know what she’s doing around them yet” (cut to Garrabond going: 🤷). Garrabond turns and talks under her breath, which looks like she’s angry at Hammerstein poking fun at her, but she’s actually radioing into home-base and is undercover. She knows a hell of a lot about cars but goes slow on purpose to give the FBI more time to surveil. Nobody is none the wiser. She leans back down under the car and....

Musical Number 2: Using a socket Wrench, she begins to sing Keep it Undercover by Zendaya. When the chorus hits (I'm not Perfect..), Hammerstein is already in his office so he doesn't notice. But Jakey does. He's sitting on his chair again and all the people who work at the shop are dancing along in the tune of the music (a choreographed number). The song ends at "But I always got your back" because Hammerstein walks back out from the office and heads towards Jakey, who is visibly confused at what he just saw.

Jakey stands up, dropping the magazine angrily and stares at Garrabond but decides instead to try to push it harder on Hammerstein.. He pushes his glasses up to his face and tousles his magnificent hair before looking back at Hammerstein, who was giving a nod of approval to the touseling. “Now look sir, I was told this was a reputable Auto repair company as noted in the online reviews. You certainly got high ratings for your relatability and warmth and I am certainly not feeling that warmth right now.”

Johnny Reeves breezes in through the door and tousles his own hair which gets a much greater reaction when the whole Auto shop stops to notice (it’s in slow motion set to the chorus of Winds of Change). Because neither of the main characters are singers, the music just plays for a moment. In the corner of the screen, a Hyundai IONIC5 is seen pulling up. A man with sunglasses uses binoculars to surveil (it's the fiancee from earlier - Nicholas Hoult, he's following Reeves). “Are we ready yet?” Johnny says as he walks up to the table and nods at Hammerstein as if to show that the two have known each other for a while. “Is this guy giving you shit, STEIN?” he says in the most laid back way possible.

Reeves’ girlfriend, “KITTY” Carr (Annabelle Wallis) is standing outside of the Auto shop because Reeves forgot to open the door for her. She’s wearing a short white fuzzy coat that is only fuzzy on the shoulders and wrists, has on giant sunglasses and is staring into her phone. Reeves continues to get texts as he talks, and tries to ignore every notification until Batey finally takes the phone, gives Reeves the same look he gave Hammerstein, and goes to open the door for Carr.

“You forgot her again, didn’t you?” Batey remarks to Reeves. “You left her in the car and she got out through the window, because the door was locked, huh? Do you even remember that you have a girlfriend?” Batey looks at Carr and nods. She doesn’t see him and doesn't thank him for opening the door, just puts the TIME magazine Batey was reading down on the seat and makes a disgusted face as she sits down.

Reeves shrugs it off and leans forward, whispering into Batey’s ear, but loud enough for Hammersetein to hear it (Hammerstein’s still in the scene for no reason, just nodding along and slightly out of frame). “I’ve been thinking about breaking it off with her but I don’t want to tell her so I try really hard to leave her in weird places hoping she’ll get the hint.” Batey shakes his head and shrugs. “Well I wish I could say that I’m sorry for you but you need a woman like my Tiffany, who just completes me in the most Ukranian way. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much Borscht in my life. It’s keeping me regular, it’s keeping me clean, and I wouldn’t change a thing. She’s my honey bunches of oats."

CUT TO A MONTAGE of Tiffany making borscht and beef stroganoff. Drinking vodka right from the bottle, hair blowing in the wind as a Ukranian pop song plays. She’s dressed like a housewife from the 50’s with Beehive hair and a gun in her stocking, ready to head out for the day. THIS INTERSECTS ON AND OFF with a second montage that shows Batey and Tiffany cuddling and in bed, watching tv and giving Eskimo kisses, holding hands like it was right out of the real 50’s and explains why she’s wearing the clothes in the Rock Montage.

Cut back to Batey who is daydreaming. Reeves and Hammerstein are staring at him. “Just leave him,” Reeves (to Hammerstein) as a phone call comes in. The phone says “BOSS COP" (Jon Hamm)” in all caps and Reeves says to Hammerstein as he’s walking away, “You’d better not over-charge my partner, STEIN, or I’ll finally write you up for that thing. You know…” (note: there is no thing. But Hammerstein doesn’t need to know that)

Reeves answers the phone, “Hey Boss, What’s up?” All he can hear is, “Whoever heard of putting Swiss cheese on a Tuna Melt?”. Cut to BOSS, hands on his desk angrily tossing his sandwich into the garbage and motioning to his assistant Stevie Smith (Elle Fanning) (who is actually his daughter. He doesn't know this, but she's the Penny to his Inspector Gadget) to get a new one. Cut back to Reeves who looks at his phone, confused.

Boss is still grumpy, with a bit of tuna in his mustache. “Look Reeves, We’ve got a problem. You and Bates need to get back to the office ASAP because we’ve found a new lead in the case. Looks like the drugs were being funneled through a few layers of funneling and we’ve got ourselves a better layer on the cake we’re trying to fork up.” This is all being yelled into the phone loud enough for everyone in ear-shot. Boss Cop calls in his assistant (who we haven’t cast yet) “GET ME A FUNNEL CAKE FROM THE DOUGHNUTTERY IN ETOBICOKE”

Hammerstein's secretary Finetooth (Emma Roberts) pipes up because she can hear the conversation all the way across the room. “I’ve got a friend who makes a great funnel cake. It's called ">Cake Walk and it's on Third.
Jake: "Is that across the street from Tasty Cake Activate?"
Finetooth: "Yes! Fun Ol' Cakes is right around the corner!
Jake: "They're all on third right?"
Finetooth: "Uh-Huh! It's the funnel district!

Boss: “Who is that? What's going on? Shut up! Am I on speaker phone? Who’s speaking? Don’t they know that I only get my food from strangely named Canadian cities?”

As Batey is seen in the background now pulling Hammerstein over to settle his bill, the Hyundai IONIC5 pulls away. Reeves walks outside and his hair breezes through the door frame almost faster than he does. “Sorry Boss, you were yelling pretty loud there and the secretary heard you. I’m outside. We’re about half an hour away.”

Cut back to Boss staring at the sandwich in the garbage. He leans over to poke at it, wondering if it’s still salvageable. “Be here in fifteen,” He grumps into the phone, slamming it down. It’s an old rotary phone for some reason, so you really get that CLANG sound in Reeves’ ear.

(click the image - read description)